The abuse of and addiction to opioids such as heroin, morphine, and prescription pain relievers is a serious global problem that affects the health, social, and economic welfare of our society.
The consequences of this abuse have been devastating and are on the rise. For example, the number of unintentional overdose deaths from prescription pain relievers has soared in the United States, more than quadrupling since 1999.
Galena Clinic believes that opiate addiction is a disease of the brain. We provide one-on-one medical treatment and high-quality services in a professional, confidential and safe environment.
In the course of treatment we offer Methadone and Buprenorphine,
Depending on your needs and preferences. Medication Assisted Treatment is the gold standard for addiction to heroin or prescription pain medications. Buprenorphine and Methadone are the most effective and widely used treatment tools for opiate addiction.
These two medications are no better or worse than the other. However, one may be more appropriate than another, depending on the person.
For example, someone who may be more successful utilizing Buprenorphine:
- is more likely to have recently become dependent upon opiates;
- is addicted to low or moderate amounts of daily opiate use;
- is more likely to be addicted to prescription medications than heroin;
- is compliant, reliable, has stable housing and steady employment;
- does not take benzodiazepines;
- is highly motivated for office-based treatment which requires less attendance.
Someone who may be more successful utilizing Methadone:
- is likely to have a higher level of addiction with many years of addiction and multiple treatment failures;
- has a longer history of addiction;
- is addicted to heroin or pain pills;
- needs a more structured program with increased attendance and high accountability;
- may have been incarcerated and have psychiatric problems
- is pregnant or considering getting pregnant.
Medications work in several ways:
- Once you are on a stable dose of medication, you experience freedom from withdrawal symptoms.
- The right dose of medication should prevent overwhelming cravings for opiates.
- The correct dosage of medication blocks the effect of heroin or other opiates, so that you will not experience euphoria. This serves to discourage recreational use of opiates.
Why wouldn’t you want this kind of assistance?
Our program requires individual counseling and random drug screens. Group counseling, although not required, is highly recommended.
Treatment consists of four phases:
Phase One:
Stabilization. We get you on the correct amount of either Methadone or Buprenorphine. Medical problems are addressed in this phase and the use of alcohol and other drugs is minimized.
Phase Two:
Rehabilitation. In this phase, you are addressing issues that led to drug dependence as well as stress management, improved judgment and improved coping skills. Counseling will address issues such as employment, legal matters, family and support network, financial consequences to drug abuse and finding non-drug related social activities.
Phase Three:
Tapering. When you ready to do so, you will begin a medically monitored taper process. Your physician, nurse and counselor will assist you in lowering your dose in preparation for discharge. The decision regarding if and when to taper is left to you.
Phase Four:
Transitioning to Aftercare. In this phase, you are near a “zero dose” of medication. The primary goal is to reinforce relapse prevention to maintain a balanced and stable lifestyle. You are encouraged to return for counseling, recovery groups, 12 Step programs, or enact a plan of your choice.